This 6.1 MW fixed-array solar power plant for AstroSol was built on 38-acres at the Solar Zone at the University of Arizona Science and Technology Park. It consisted of 48,600 thin film solar panels mounted at a 30-degree fixed angle on a Schletter aluminum racking system with driven pile foundations. This plant feeds directly to the Tucson Electric Power grid.
10 MW, single-axis power plant built on 56-acres in Golden Valley, Arizona. This project consisted of 42,000 polycrystalline solar panels mounted on 54 SOLON single axis trackers with concrete footings. This plant feeds the UniSource grid.
This project involved installation of SOLON Corporation’s single- and dual-axis trackers at Tucson Electric Power’s solar test field. It included the alignment and pouring of all foundations and the detailed installation of the trackers. The tracker arrays are designed to hold multiple types of panels manufactured by SOLON at their facility in Tucson.
Key Features:
• Tracker arrays designed to hold multiple types of panels
This project involved a 5MW fixed-array solar power plant built for SOLON on 25-acres at the Solar Zone at the University of Arizona Science and Technology Park. It consisted of approximately 21,300 polycrystalline solar panels mounted at a 30-degree fixed angle on a Schletter aluminum racking system with driven pile foundations. This plant feeds directly to the Tucson Electric Power grid.
This project involved design and construction of the 1-megawatt photovoltaic, fixed-tilt array reaching 20 feet over the main hourly/daily public parking lot at the Tucson International Airport Terminal. The structure is a curved, open-lattice design with polycrystalline silicon panels arranged in strips with equal spacing. Vegetated “green walls” with live plants, in addition to the structure itself, create a cooling, microclimate effect in the parking area.
Key Features:
• Curved, open-lattice microclimate design
• Vegetated “green walls”
This project involved a 1.6 MW single-axis power plant built for SOLON on 14-acres at the Solar Zone at the University of Arizona Science and Technology Park. The project consisted of 5,808 polycrystalline solar panels mounted on 11 SOLON single-axis trackers with concrete footings. This plant feeds the Tucson Electric Power grid.
This project involved construction of a 1-megawatt solar power plant at the Roger Road Sewer Treatment Plant. Work included the grading and compacting of six acres of land, the forming and pouring of the concrete ballast tracker foundations and the erection of the single-access tracker system, the installation of all solar modules, the DC and AC power systems and the construction of the high-voltage interconnect to the local utility.